1. Characters
Will (Matt Damon): main character he is from Boston, he is an orphan, he is a trouble maker, he is a genius, he is sarcastic, he doesn't have a plan for his life.
They met in a bar in Harvard when Will defended Chuckie
She gave her number to Will on a napkin
They had their first date and they kissed while eating
He didn't call her for a long time
He comes by her dorm but she is too busy to go out with him
He helps with her homework hoping they could go out
They go to a dogs race and he lies about his life
3. The Math Story Line
The main character solved a very difficult math problem and nobody knew who solved it. The the professor was trying to find the genius. After a couple of days the professor saw Will solving another math problem on MIT's chalkboard. The professor was trying to find out who this guy was, and finally he found him in court. As the professor wanted to Will to get out of jail, he spoke with the judge and they decided to let Will out if he accepted two conditions. The first one was to do some math stuff and the second was to see a therapist, so Will started to have a real math connection with the help of professor Lambeau.
4. The Therapy Story Line
The first therapist was gay.
The second therapist hypnotized.
He lost 5 therapists because he embarrassed.
The professor went to his old roommate and asked him to give Will therapy.
In the first session Will tried to find out the weakness of the new therapist, and found out it was about his wife. He upset the new therapist.
In the second session the therapist takes Will to the park and they talked about how Will knows things in theory but has no experience in real life.
The next session the therapist showed Will that if he doesn't speak first that they will not talk at all.
The other session Will talks to the therapist about the girl he met, and the therapist shares with him the history about how he met his wife.
5. Predictions for second half of movie.
Will will change his attitude.
Will will be an analyst also.
The therapist will help him stop lying.
Lambeau will recognize Will's intelligence with everyone.
Will will live happily forever.
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